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7 Easy Ways You Can Live More Sustainably and Reduce Waste

Adapting to live a more sustainable lifestyle is a great way of doing your bit to help the planet. Making small changes in your daily habits can have a significant impact on reducing your own personal waste and reducing your carbon footprint. 

Be it switching from plastic to paper bags or taking the bus over driving to work, there are loads of easy ways to live more sustainably. Here are seven of them that might be worth introducing into your daily routines. 

  1. Invest in reusable water bottles and coffee cups

Plastic water bottles and single-use coffee cups are huge contributors to waste pollution. By switching to reusable cups, you can significantly reduce the number of waste that ends up in landfills or oceans. From stainless steel water bottles to stylish KeepCups for coffee, there are numerous eco-friendly alternatives available. 

  1. Opt for sustainable transportation

Travelling on your own in a car can contribute negatively to carbon emissions. By choosing sustainable transportation methods such as walking, biking, or using public transport like the bus or train, you can reduce your carbon footprint. If public transport isn’t an option, consider car-sharing to minimise the impact of your daily commute. 

  1. Switch to paper bags

Single-use plastic bags have become a major environmental concern because of their harmful effects on wildlife and their contribution to landfill waste. By making a conscious decision to switch over to paper bags, which are biodegradable and can be recycled, they’re a more environmentally friendly option. Many shops now offer reusable paper bags that are a sturdy and long-lasting alternative to single-use plastic bags. 

  1. Become energy efficient

Opt for energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce your energy consumption – a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Turn off your lights when not in use and unplug electronic devices. Small actions like these can add up to significant energy savings and a lower environmental impact. 

  1. Reduce food waste

Food waste is a big issue worldwide. To combat this, plan your meals ahead, make a shopping list, and only buy what you need. Make sure to properly store your food so it doesn’t go prematurely mouldy. If you have some excess food, you can donate it to local food banks or compost fruits and vegetables to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. 

  1. Donate unwanted clothing, books or household items

Taking the time every 6 months or so to declutter your home is not only good for your well-being, but it’s also a great way to reduce your unwanted waste. Why not donate them to a local charity shop, where they can live a new life? Instead of throwing away unwanted items, you’ll be doing your bit to reduce waste. 

  1. Pick eco-friendly cleaning products

Conventional cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can pollute water and harm aquatic life. By switching to eco-friendly cleaning products that are biodegradable and non-toxic you’ll be able to keep your home clean and fresh whilst doing your bit. 

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