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Visit Croatia

My visit to Croatia was an interesting one, it was a memorable visit that I would not forget. Croatia is one of Europe’s best tourist destinations,the country has a lot of medieval and historic sites. The country also has a lot of stunning natural attractions. On my first day in Croatia, I visited the Krka National Park which is a protected natural environment. This national park is a stunning sight. The Krka National Park is situated along the Krka River and is renowned for its numerous waterfalls. These waterfalls don’t ever run dry.

During my visit to the Krka National Park, I swam in the cool and lovely natural pools. The pools are so clear they look like a mirror in the sun. I swam for several hours as I did not want to leave. I also visited Zagreb. Zagreb is a vibrant metropolis that has a combination of both historic and modern attractions. Zagreb is a beautiful city with plenty of things to do. In Zagreb, I tried several delicious Croatian foods which included Black Risotto, Boskarin, Brodetto, Buzara and Fritule. I also took a private walking tour of Upper and Downtown Zagreb where I saw so many beautiful houses. Moreover, I also explored the beautiful parks and forests in Zagreb. One of the things I would never forget about Zagreb is the coffee, it is so delicious.

When I departed from Zagreb, my next point of call was Korcula. Korcula is a beautiful island off the Adriatic Coast. Korcula is an amazing island. There are beaches, vineyards, gardens among others. I enjoyed a beautiful view of the island on my ferry ride. Moreover, I also went to get a beautiful view of the Old Town Korcula from outside the city center. The city center is a magnificent building that I will never forget. One of the things I admire about the town is the amazing walls of the buildings.

When I left Korcula, I went to Pula. Pula is a beautiful location in Croatia with a lot of interesting things to do. One of the places I visited is the Roman Amphitheatre which is one of the most complete in the world. It is Pula where you can get to see the last surviving inner workings of the ancient Roman Amphitheatre. I also got to see the underground passages used by Gladiators and the cisterns. I also visited the Kastel fortress which defended Pula in ancient times. Kastel Fortress defended the Pula’s harbour and the entire upper Adriatic.Following my visit to Pula, my next point of call was Zadar which is a city with a three thousand years history. Zadar is located on a beautiful coastline and is one of the popular tourist locations in Croatia. One of the amazing features of this city is the Sea Organ whose sounds are dictated by the waves of the sea. I also drank Maraska Liquer which is the most delicious and appetizing drink in Zadar. The drink is the city’s signature drink and is advertised all over the city.

Overall I have spent a month in Croatia, but I will definitely return next year, and I am also considering having a base in Croatia, that will enable me to explore this and neighbouring countries in the coming years.

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