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Jewellery Trends to Spot in 2022

Fashion is forever changing, and jewellery has a big part to play, which is why it will be no surprise that there are different jewellery trends each year.

If you love jewellery, and are curious where it is going to take us in the fashion world this year, then you have to wonder no longer.

Let us take a look at what jewellery trends we are going to be showing off in 2022!


It looks like the 90s iconic style is here to stay another year. While making its return to fashion in 2021, there seems to be no sign of bold beads or digital style taking a back seat again. Anything goofy, childlike, and plastic makes for a great Y2K piece of jewellery. The best news about this trend is that it is so simple to make your own pieces that are completely one of a kind and unique to you and for pennies. Check the internet for inspiration and tutorials – very fitting!

Mix and Match

Slowly but surely, matching has stopped becoming a priority, and mixing our styles up has become the new norm. We are not designed to be put into boxes or a certain aesthetic, and our likes and dislikes can be relatively fluid. Expect a trend in jewellery to show that this year, with people mixing up contemporary pieces with costume jewellery, fashionistas mixing gold and silver jewellery together, and also what could be described as a maximalist approach to jewellery. The more, the ‘clashier’, the better.

To get hold of some unique pieces for this year, head over to Chapter 79 for some mix and match style inspiration.

Playful Pieces

While similar to Y2K, playful pieces have an aesthetic that is all their own. The playful approach focuses on the whole element of fun, rather than a specific decade, which sees plastic as a staple material, along with youthful adornments such as fruit, mushrooms, smiley faces, and sweets, to name a few! You can do so much with the playful look that the world is your oyster, and layering these with more sophisticated pieces also works extremely well – hence the mix and match era.


Statement pieces have always been a hit somewhere, and it is hard to believe there will ever be a time that they go out of style. That being said, there is definitely more of a trend brewing for adorning oneself with outlandish pieces. What was once reserved for one piece only to stand out, is now a more “the more the better” rule.

It is hardly a surprise that after two years of lockdown, people want to be dressing up to be seen again, and a statement piece or two will do just that.

There will be more jewellery trends that will emerge throughout the year, but you only have to draw inspiration from the ideas you love the look of. Use those to curate your own unique style with jewellery and explore your personality in this unique way.

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